Willa's Warriors

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Willa's Warriors Supports March for Babies

Our family's journey began like the start of any healthy pregnancy, but it soon took a different turn. At just under 31 weeks, around 7 ½ months into my pregnancy, I returned from a weekend getaway with my husband, Kyle, for our Babymoon. The news I received upon my return was unexpected - the doctor advised immediate admission to the hospital without any delay. There was no time to go back home and pack a bag; I had to head to the hospital right away as per the doctor's instructions. Kyle and I set a new goal that we never thought we would have to strive for - keeping our precious Willa in the womb until 32 weeks.

However, at 31 weeks and 1 day, known as '31 and 1' in the NICU, Willa's heart rate began to drop, signaling the time to meet her had arrived. It was a conversation no new parents want to have, but one we had prepared for. I knew I wanted Kyle to be with Willa if she arrived early and unwell. Despite the fear and uncertainty, I wanted him to go with her, to be by our baby girl's side.

Willa entered the world weighing only 2.8 lbs, a tiny and fragile miracle. Kyle vividly recalls the moment he had to leave me and follow as they wheeled Willa to the NICU. The sight of her passing by, so small and vulnerable, stirred emotions in everyone present, without a word being spoken.

Despite the statistics suggesting otherwise, we found ourselves facing the threat of NEC, a dangerous intestinal complication, after I had only held Willa once before she fell ill. Sensing that something was amiss, I expressed my concerns to the nurse earlier that day. Willa was swiftly transferred to the Texas Children's Hospital NICU for specialized care.

The move, though just a short distance away, felt monumental to me. My sister's words reassured me that overcoming this challenge, like all the others we had faced, was within our reach. The embrace of the neonatologist, typically reserved, provided much-needed comfort in that moment of uncertainty.

As NICU parents, we endured multiple 5-plus hour surgery, witnessed Willa's struggles, and battled through her health complications. It felt like we were mere spectators in our child's life, as Willa spent over 200 days in the NICU.

Despite the challenges, being NICU parents forged a deep bond among us. We supported each other through the tough times, celebrating small victories and sharing in each other's pain. While we rejoiced in the joy of other families taking their babies home, our hearts ached with the longing to bring Willa home too.

After experiencing numerous milestones in the NICU, from her first smile to special occasions like Thanksgiving and Christmas, our moment finally arrived. We walked out of the hospital with our precious baby in our arms.

Today, Willa stands as a vibrant five-year-old, surpassing all expectations and blossoming each day. Her remarkable progress and growth are a testament to the unwavering dedication of her multiple doctors, surgeons, occupational therapists, physical therapists, nutritionist, and speech therapist. Their invaluable support has played a pivotal role in Willa's journey to complete healing. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed to her well-being and commend Willa for her tenacity and unwavering spirit.

Our journey may not have unfolded as we had envisioned, but amidst the grief and challenges, I am determined to find positivity. Discovering the March of Dimes 'My NICU Baby' App towards the end of our NICU journey was a blessing. I wish I had found it sooner. My involvement with the Patient Advocacy Committee at Texas Children's Hospital and March of Dimes has been a source of fulfillment.

March of Dimes' impact on families, from developing crucial treatments like TPN to advocating for newborn screening, is commendable. Partnering with March of Dimes has allowed me to support other families and contribute to the fight for the health of all moms and babies.

Your support for families like mine through March of Dimes is invaluable. Your partnership enables more babies to thrive and helps March of Dimes provide crucial support to families in need. We are grateful for our sweet Willa, the dedicated healthcare providers, and the generous volunteers who make up our community.

Thank you for standing with us in this journey, ensuring that families like ours receive the care and support they need. Your contribution to March of Dimes is making a difference in the lives of countless families.

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Raised: $860
Raised: $103
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The total amount displayed reflects the amount on the team or personal fundraising progress bar. If the progress bar is not displayed on the team or personal page, the team/person won't be displayed on the leaderboard. Leaderboard totals reflect cash and checks marked "received" on the online sponsor form as well as credit card and PayPal donations. Team captains can enter as cash and mark "received" any money raised through promotions, such as bake sales and casual days and any sponsorship money paid to the March of Dimes, on their team's online form. Record all donations on your online sponsor form before you turn in cash and checks to the March of Dimes!


With preterm birth rates continuing to rise, the U.S. remains among the most dangerous developed nations for childbirth, especially for women and babies of color.

At March for Babies: A Mother of a Movement you're lifting up communities, creating connections and taking action to make America a more equitable place and ensure that every mom and baby is healthy.

Together, we’re marching to raise funds and awareness to transform the health of all families!


Fundraising goal: $3,500
Saturday, May 04, 2024
11 Donors | 3078 Visitors

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Fundraising Activity

Recent donation and sponsor messages.
Brian donated $111.00
6 months ago
"Best of luck this weekend!"
Chase donated $515.00
7 months ago
Reg donated $103.00
7 months ago
Ben donated $1000.00
7 months ago
Joel donated $51.50
7 months ago
"God bless!!"
nada donated $103.00
7 months ago
Tiffany donated $100.00
7 months ago
"So inspirational!!! Our children are what complete us. ??"
Janice donated $100.00
7 months ago
"You go Willa! God bless you and your family! ??"
Lisa donated $30.90
8 months ago
Randi donated $61.80
8 months ago
"Proud to support Willa and this important cause!"
Reg donated $30.90
9 months ago
Jeniel donated $61.80
9 months ago


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