Nebraska Methodist Health System

Team captains:

Nebraska Methodist Health System Supports March for Babies


Join Our Team

  • If you registered for March for Babies last year, you do not need to re-register. Simply click “Sign In” on the left side of the team home page to reactivate your account.  If you do not remember your user name or password, you may enter your email address on the login page to have them sent to you. If you registered for a physician team last year, you will be moved to the NMHS team.
  • Only one registration per family is required. You do not need to register individually for each walker.
  • If you wish to donate to the NMHS team, you may do so online without registering as a walker. Donors will not receive incentives or walk updates, so please join our team if you would like to participate in fundraising, receive a shirt or incentives – even if you are unable to attend the walk.

Team T-Shirts

Methodist March for Babies t-shirts are available in unisex adult and youth sizes for $15 each. Proceeds from t-shirt profits will be donated to the March of Dimes.

T-shirts will be available for pick-up at the location you designate when placing the order prior to the walk on May 4 and 5

About March for Babies

Funds raised at March for Babies support research and programs that help moms have healthy pregnancies and babies begin healthy lives. They will also be used to bring comfort and information to families with a baby in newborn intensive care.

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Team roster

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The total amount displayed reflects the amount on the team or personal fundraising progress bar. If the progress bar is not displayed on the team or personal page, the team/person won't be displayed on the leaderboard. Leaderboard totals reflect cash and checks marked "received" on the online sponsor form as well as credit card and PayPal donations. Team captains can enter as cash and mark "received" any money raised through promotions, such as bake sales and casual days and any sponsorship money paid to the March of Dimes, on their team's online form. Record all donations on your online sponsor form before you turn in cash and checks to the March of Dimes!


With preterm birth rates continuing to rise, the U.S. remains among the most dangerous developed nations for childbirth, especially for women and babies of color.

At March for Babies you're lifting up communities, creating connections and taking action to make America a more equitable place and ensure that every mom and baby is healthy.

Together, we’re marching to raise funds and awareness to transform the health of all families!


Fundraising goal: $12,500
57 days
left until the event!
Saturday, May 10, 2025
0 Donors | 224 Visitors

Team achievements


National partners

Publix Logo Gerber Logo HCA Healthcare Logo

Thank you to our local sponsors



