March for Babies

400 West Montrose Harbor Drive , Chicago, IL 60640
Date: Sunday, April 27, 2025 9:00 AM
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Important Update
Our March for Babies celebration is still on, but it looks a little different! We are rapidly preparing for a new, virtualized event that will be fun and engaging for everyone. This change in format aligns with the newly released CDC guidance for large events, to help ensure the safety and health of our participants. More details on our new format to come soon!
Make change happen for families! March for Babies connects you with friends, families, and coworkers to improve the health of moms and babies in your community and across the country. Because together with March of Dimes, each step forward leads to a healthy future for us all.
We’d love for you to join us for our Chicagoland March for Babies Virtual Kickoff on Thursday, March 20, from 12–1 PM CT. This is a great opportunity to hear exciting updates about our mission in Chicago, celebrate inspiring volunteer stories, and get ready for another amazing year of March for Babies. To RSVP, click here to fill out a quick form and register.
To view photos from last year's Chicago March for Babies event CLICK HERE!
Start or join an existing team today, create an online fundraising page and let everyone know that you’re helping to make America a more equitable place and ensure that every mom and baby is healthy. Every step counts.
Sunday, April 27th 2025
Site opens at 7:00 AM
Stage program begins at 8:45 AM
Walk step-off at 9:00 AM (tentative start time - walk will be about 3 miles)
Super Hero Sprint at 10:30 AM
For more information, contact Sarah Milani at [email protected] or 312-909-0468
Event progress* $99,656 RAISED (As of Friday, Mar 14, 2025)
Raised: $99,656
2025 Ambassador Family
The Reed Family