Every step counts.
March for Babies is a campaign that connects millions of Americans united to improve the health of moms and babies in your community and across the country.
Together, we can give families the health information and resources they need throughout their pregnancies, and fund groundbreaking research to transform lives. We're also advocating for policies to keep moms and babies healthy and strong.
Because together with March of Dimes, each step forward leads to a healthy future for us all.
March for Babies - Greenwood & Laurens is a Community Walk event. We do not have a local public walk, but are happy to invite you to the closest events in Spartanburg, Greenville, or Columbia.
When it comes to giving families the best possible start, we all have the power to help.
March of Dimes is dedicated to bringing people together to tackle America's maternal and infant health crisis—one person, one community, and one step at a time. More than a series of walks, March for Babies is an annual tradition that supports moms and babies all day every day—and every step of the way.
Together, we can ensure families have the health information and resources they need throughout their pregnancies.
Together, we can fund groundbreaking research that will transform the lives of children today and tomorrow. Together, we can advocate for policies to keep moms and babies healthy and strong.
Together, we can each do our part, knowing that every donation, action, and step adds up.
March for Babies connects you with friends, families, and coworkers united to improve the health of moms and babies in your community and across the country. Because together with March of Dimes, each step forward leads to a healthy future for us all.
March for Babies. Every step counts.
Thank you for supporting March of Dimes!