March for Babies


Mercer County PA

Raised to date
Our goal $47,000
Thiel College
730 Forker Road , Sharon, PA 16146
Date: Sunday, May 06, 2018 12:30 PM
Date: May 06, 2018
Event Time: 12:30 PM
Registration Time: 11:00AM
730 Forker Road , Sharon, PA 16146
Thiel College

Important Update

Our March for Babies celebration is still on, but it looks a little different! We are rapidly preparing for a new, virtualized event that will be fun and engaging for everyone. This change in format aligns with the newly released CDC guidance for large events, to help ensure the safety and health of our participants. More details on our new format to come soon!

About March for Babies

Every step counts.

March for Babies is a campaign that connects millions of Americans united to improve the health of moms and babies in your community and across the country.

Together, we can give families the health information and resources they need throughout their pregnancies, and fund groundbreaking research to transform lives. We’re also advocating for policies to keep moms and babies healthy and strong.

Because together with March of Dimes, each step forward leads to a healthy future for us all.


Event progress* $40,582 RAISED (As of Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025)

Raised: $40,582

Top fundraisers
Emily Kruse
Amy Hackett
Savanna Moore
Mike Traister
Ashley Tiani
Top family teams
Team Lilybug 317
Jacob Journey
M & M Twins
Gauge Robert Fisher
Company, School & Org
*The total amount displayed reflects the amount on the team or personal fundraising progress bar. If the progress bar is not displayed on the team or personal page, the team/person won't be displayed on the leaderboard. Leaderboard totals reflect cash and checks marked "received" on the online sponsor form as well as credit card and PayPal donations. Team captains can enter as cash and mark "received" any money raised through promotions, such as bake sales and casual days and any sponsorship money paid to the March of Dimes, on their team's online form. Record all donations on your online sponsor form before you turn in cash and checks to the March of Dimes!

Our ambassador



Luke Davis

In February 2016, Theresa and Luke were eagerly awaiting the arrival of their fourth child, a son Luke. Baby Luke’s arrival was marred by concerns that he exhibited symptoms of Apert Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder characterized by abnormal skull formation and fusion of the bones, of the hands and feet. Baby Luke also had difficulty breathing and had a cleft palate which caused difficulty feeding and swallowing. He was flown to the NICU where physicians could provide highly specialized care. It was a difficult time for Theresa and Lew. Spending time in the NICU can be frightening and overwhelming for parents, especially when they had to leave their three other boys in the care of family and friends while staying with Luke in the NICU. After 18 days and the first of nine surgeries to help Luke breathe, he was finally able to go home to his family. Luke’s journey has been very challenging since leaving the NICU. He has had three cranial surgeries to make room for his growing brain. Luke has had the first of many planned surgeries on his hands and feet. Most recently, he has been healing from complications from his third cranial surgery. His palate was repaired in May, 2016 and his parents are anxious for him to be able to speak. Each year in the United States, more than 120,000 babies are born with a birth defect. There are thousands of different birth defects, affecting the structure or function of every part of the human body. The March of Dimes provides grants to researchers, with the goal of understanding the causes of birth defects and developing new ways to prevent and treat them. Currently, about 70 percent of the causes of birth defects are unknown. Genetics has long been a main theme of the March of Dimes research. Grantees have discovered genes that cause or contribute to a number of common birth defects, including fragile X syndrome, cleft lip and palate and heart defects. These discoveries pave the way for treatments and preventions for those birth defects. Luke’s parents, Theresa and Lew, know the significant role that the March of Dimes research played in helping Luke grow and thrive. As the 2018 Mercer County Ambassador Family they will share their story and help raise awareness of premature birth and birth defects. They hope their story can provide promise for other families and help the March of Dimes give every baby a fighting chance.


- Early Bird! raise $100 online by Feb 28 and receive a picture frame magnet
- Official March for Babies event t-shirt
- March for Babies fashion tote OR leather journal + event t-shirt
- March for Babies computer backpack OR picnic blanket tote + event t-shirt
- Personalized "Why I Walk" sign displayed on the walk route
- Champion for Babies hat + round beach towel OR yoga mat + event t-shirt
- Champion for Babies hat + Igloo Cooler OR terri hoodie + event t-shirt
- Champion for Babies hat + travel duffel OR insulated jacket + event t-shirt
- Champion for Babies hat + sport couch OR Under Armour jacket + event t-shirt


National partners

Publix Logo Gerber Logo HCA Healthcare Logo

Thank you to our local sponsors
