March for Babies


Eastern Iowa StepUp

Raised to date
Our goal $150,000
Eastern Iowa
400 Collins Road NE , Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Date: Friday, May 15, 2020 9:00 AM
Date: May 15, 2020
Event Time: 09:00 AM
Registration Time: 8:00AM
400 Collins Road NE , Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Eastern Iowa

Important Update

Our March for Babies celebration is still on, but it looks a little different! We are rapidly preparing for a new, virtualized event that will be fun and engaging for everyone. This change in format aligns with the newly released CDC guidance for large events, to help ensure the safety and health of our participants. More details on our new format to come soon!

About March for Babies



During the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, moms and babies can’t wait. Delivery can’t wait.


By joining March for Babies Step Up! you are helping moms and babies across the country, during a time when it’s needed most. Thanks to you we are adding new programs and resources to help families during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.


Your fundraising supports:


  • Free virtual NICU support program for families
  • Virtual prenatal programs for moms-to-be
  • COVID-19 interventions and support for moms and babies
  • Educational programs, including live Facebook panel discussions, to get info into hands of moms and families
  • Necessary supplies for expectant mothers including blood pressure cuffs and masks

and so much more!


There are so many ways to join March for Babies Step Up!

  1. Register here at by clicking "JOIN THIS EVENT".
  2. After registering, you can download the app to participate in our step-tracking challenges.
  3. Start stepping and share your story using #MarchforBabies and #MFBStepUp! You can use our fun social tools to help you spread the word!
  4. Request pledges from friends and family – don’t be shy!
  5. And don’t forget to make your own donation!

You can earn fun March of Dimes fundraising rewards – now through August 15!


And don’t forget - March of Dimes is here to serve as a resource for you, providing the latest information on COVID-19 on our webpage. You can also learn about our newly launched COVID-19 Intervention and Support Fund to ensure families stay informed about COVID-19, and that interventions are developed with moms and babies top of mind and then distributed so everyone across our country has access. Find more here.


Event progress* $85,266 RAISED (As of Monday, Mar 24, 2025)

Raised: $85,266

Top fundraisers
EJ & Amber Bell
JJ and Emily Breen
Ben Wickum
Megan Valenta
McKenna Felton
Top family teams
Ian and McKenna's Team
LWV Your Pace or Mine
Team Swish
Joy Squad
Team Skow
Company, School & Org
*The total amount displayed reflects the amount on the team or personal fundraising progress bar. If the progress bar is not displayed on the team or personal page, the team/person won't be displayed on the leaderboard. Leaderboard totals reflect cash and checks marked "received" on the online sponsor form as well as credit card and PayPal donations. Team captains can enter as cash and mark "received" any money raised through promotions, such as bake sales and casual days and any sponsorship money paid to the March of Dimes, on their team's online form. Record all donations on your online sponsor form before you turn in cash and checks to the March of Dimes!

Our ambassador



The Kruckenberg Family

You’ve heard about Christmas miracles? Let me tell you about ours. Ruby Joy was born December 25, 2015. She weighed less than many of the presents under our tree, 2 lbs, 11 oz. She was tiny … and perfect. She was born over two months too soon. A few days before our little miracle made an early entrance into the world, I was at a regular prenatal appointment. It was a busy day at the office, and we had been warned that we may have to reschedule because our Dr. was busy delivering another baby. Luckily we didn’t have to because with an elevated blood pressure that we weren’t able to bring back down, my Dr. decided it was best to send me over to the hospital for further testing. Pre-eclampsia was the diagnosis. It was a diagnosis that we were unfortunately familiar with, as my previous pregnancy had the same results. I had been placed on bed rest at 35 weeks where I remained until our second child was delivered at 38 weeks. This time, with our third, I was only 31 weeks. The hope was that I could make it on strict bed rest until at least 34 weeks. The doctors immediately ordered two rounds of steroids to bolster our little one’s lungs in preparation for an early delivery if either of us declined in health. Over the next few days we did our best to prepare. The Christmas tree at home was ready, our stockings hung, but not filled. Our two older children, Noah and Charly, waited and worried at home. The holidays were going to look quite different this year. Only 2 days later, on Christmas morning, I awoke to the doctor preparing us that we were going to deliver very soon. They prepared me for a cesarean delivery because our baby’s heart rate kept dropping and they were afraid that we could lose her during a natural birth. The nurses did their best to calm our fears and prepare us for the worse case scenarios. We were told that sometimes, babies born this soon do not even cry. It was all surreal. We had decided not to find out the gender of our newest addition so the tension was mounted as they delivered to hear the first cries and to meet our baby. To our relief, the sweetest sound we heard was the loud cry and the doctor’s words, ‘It’s a girl’! The nurse was able to bring her to my side to briefly catch a glimpse of our Christmas miracle before they rushed her off to the NICU. During our time in the NICU, our little girl was what some nurses called a ‘text book’ preemie. She had jaundice and received intravenous feedings. Her biggest challenges were putting on weight, maintaining her body temperature and learning to feed on her own. We know how very lucky we are for her NICU journey when we think about how drastically our story could have changed if our appointment had been rescheduled that day. We will be forever thankful to the doctors and nurses that were able to help me and Ruby. We brought our beautiful baby girl home after 51 days in the NICU, the day before Valentine’s Day. We are honored to be serving as the March for Babies Ambassador Family so that we can share our miraculous story. Without research and funding made possible by the March of Dimes efforts, we know we would have had a very different outcome. Serving in this leadership role allows our family to give back to an organization that we believe in. Their advancements in medical research and dedication to infant and maternal health will give all moms and babies a fighting chance. ~Jeremiah, April, Noah, Charly, Ruby & Harper Kruckenberg


- Early Bird! “Wear Your Why” button for $100 online by 8 weeks before your event
- Official March for Babies event t-shirt
- March for Babies camp mug OR bamboo lunchbox + event t-shirt
- March for Babies Game Day Jersey OR Game Day Stool + event t-shirt
- Personalized "Why I Walk" sign displayed on the walk route
- Champion for Babies Medal + pullover OR bluetooth speaker + event t-shirt
- Champion for Babies Medal + duffel OR fleece + event t-shirt
- Champion for Babies Medal + vest OR 1/2 zip shirt + event t-shirt
- Champion for Babies Medal + rain jacket OR 2-person seat + event t-shirt
- Champion for Babies Medal + Beats headphones OR heat vest + event t-shirt


National partners

Publix Logo Gerber Logo HCA Healthcare Logo

Thank you to our local sponsors
