March for Babies


Eastern Iowa

Raised to date
Our goal $200,000
Eastern Iowa
400 Collins Road NE , Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Date: Sunday, April 23, 2017 9:00 AM
Date: April 23, 2017
Event Time: 09:00 AM
Registration Time: 8:00AM
400 Collins Road NE , Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Eastern Iowa

Important Update

Our March for Babies celebration is still on, but it looks a little different! We are rapidly preparing for a new, virtualized event that will be fun and engaging for everyone. This change in format aligns with the newly released CDC guidance for large events, to help ensure the safety and health of our participants. More details on our new format to come soon!

About March for Babies
We're getting ready to walk in March for Babies! It promises to be a fun day out with people who share our passion for improving the health of babies. There'll be family teams, company teams and people walking with friends - it's a great feeling knowing we're all helping real families. Join our event and walk with us to raise money for babies right here in our community!

Event progress* $110,221 RAISED (As of Wednesday, Feb 5, 2025)

Raised: $110,221

Top fundraisers
EJ & Amber Bell
JJ and Emily Breen
Suzanne & Dale Felton
Gena Steele
Thierry Tosi
Top family teams
Ian and McKenna's Team
Team Swish
*Claire's Crew*
In Memory of Grace
Baby Steps for Healthy Babies
Company, School & Org
*The total amount displayed reflects the amount on the team or personal fundraising progress bar. If the progress bar is not displayed on the team or personal page, the team/person won't be displayed on the leaderboard. Leaderboard totals reflect cash and checks marked "received" on the online sponsor form as well as credit card and PayPal donations. Team captains can enter as cash and mark "received" any money raised through promotions, such as bake sales and casual days and any sponsorship money paid to the March of Dimes, on their team's online form. Record all donations on your online sponsor form before you turn in cash and checks to the March of Dimes!

Our ambassador



The Bell Family

Our journey to having a family has been a roller-coaster of emotions over the past 12 years. Our oldest daughter Brianna was born in 2005, at just 33 weeks gestation after Amber developed severe pre-eclampsia. Brianna spent 26 days in the NICU until she was discharged home with us. Just a year later, we found out we were expecting again, and while they were watching Amber closely for signs of pre-eclampsia, we weren’t anticipating any issues. This changed for our family at only 23 weeks gestation on September 21, 2006. After staying overnight for observation, Amber awoke to a terrible headache and slightly elevated blood pressure. By 10:30 am she went into seizures, and was rushed into an emergency C-section. Our son Chance was born weighing only 1 lb., 6 oz., and was sent directly to the NICU. Amber had once again developed pre-eclampsia, only this time it had turned into eclampsia (with seizures) and HELLP Syndrome. Chance fought hard for 27 days in two different NICUs, but passed away peacefully in our arms, surrounded by love. After adopting our daughter Natasha from foster care, we knew that we wanted to continue expanding our family. After much testing, medical consultation, and hope, we were blessed to have a full-term healthy girl, Elizabeth in 2012. While Amber’s pregnancy went well, it was equally worrisome and emotional. It also gave us great hope that full-term births and happy endings can happen for every family, including ours. In 2016 we were expecting another baby girl. While we were hopeful that everything would go beautifully once again, Amber started showing the signs of pre-eclampsia with this pregnancy. At 34 weeks she was admitted to the hospital with pre-eclampsia and HELLP Syndrome, and our daughter Eve was born 6 weeks early on October 16, weighing only 3 lbs., 15 oz. Eve spent 31 days in the NICU at UI Children’s Hospital in Iowa City until her discharge on November 16, 2016. We are incredibly grateful to the March of Dimes for all of their research on prenatal care, surfactant therapy, steroid treatments and NICU best practices. We have benefitted directly from each and every one of these, as well as from their direct mission– fighting against prematurity, birth defects, and infant loss. All three of these have also touched our family and our children. We started our family team “Chance for Life” after the loss of our son, to remember and celebrate his short life, as well as to give other families hope. We are excited to be serving as the 2017 Cedar Rapids March for Babies Ambassador Family, and to be giving back to a foundation that has given us so much. Sharing our story will help bring awareness to the importance of the March of Dimes and their mission, while also raising essential funds to support their life-saving research. EJ, Amber, Brianna, *Chance*, Natasha, Elizabeth and Eve Bell


- Early Bird! $50 online by 2/28/17
- Official March for Babies event t-shirt
- March of Dimes tumbler or carry all tote + event t-shirt
- March of Dimes cooler or hooded t-shirt + event t-shirt
- Champion for Babies hat + 1/4 zip pullover OR polo + event t-shirt
- Champion for Babies hat + backpack OR rain jacket + event t-shirt
- Champion for Babies hat + sports chair OR jacket + event t-shirt
- Champion for Babies hat + rolling suitcase OR wagon + event t-shirt


National partners

Publix Logo Gerber Logo HCA Healthcare Logo

Thank you to our local sponsors
