Little Sammy, My first grandson, turns "Thirteen" this week. He was born a month early with breathing problems. Thank God someone invented the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (The March of Dimes) - A rough start in life but a happy little baby boy today! Little Mali was born 9 years ago - same challenges - 5 weeks early and 4 pounds - again, the March of Dimes was there with support. She's a happy healthy little 11 years old today! Every day, thousands of babies are born too soon, too small and often very sick. I'm walking in March for Babies because I want to do something about this. And I need your help. Please support my walk. Making a secure donation is easy: just click the 'donate now' button on this page. Thank you for helping me give all babies a healthy start!
With preterm birth rates continuing to rise, the U.S. remains among the most dangerous developed nations for childbirth, especially for women and babies of color.
At March for Babies™ you're lifting up communities, creating connections and taking action to make America a more equitable place and ensure that every mom and baby is healthy.
Together, we’re marching to raise funds and awareness to transform the health of all families!