Are you a March of Dimes Baby?

Dear Friends,

Each year I take part in March for Babies -- an event that embodies hope, resilience, and the power of community. Each step taken, every dollar raised, brings us closer to a future where every baby is born healthy, and every mother receives the care she deserves.

March for Babies is an annual event that unifies communities across the nation to raise funds and awareness for March of Dimes --a champion for the health of all moms and babies. The march symbolizes our collective commitment to ensuring every child has the opportunity for a healthy start in life, and every mother can navigate pregnancy and childbirth safely.

Why your support matters:

  1. Ending Preventable Maternal and Infant Mortality and Morbidity: Your support directly contributes to initiatives focused on increasing access to high quality healthcare, lowering cardiovascular risks for moms, and reducing preterm birth. By investing in research, education and advocacy, we can ensure that mothers receive the care they need, and infants thrive from the very beginning.
  2. Empowering Families: March of Dimes provides critical support to families with babies in the NICU. Your contribution helps create a network of care, resources, and support for parents navigating the challenges of having a baby born too soon or with a health complication.
  3. Research Breakthroughs: The funds raised during March for Babies drive groundbreaking research the fuels medical advancements, ensuring that more babies survive and thrive. Your support could be the key to unlocking the next life-saving breakthrough.
  4. Community Impact: By participating or contributing, you become part of a community of change-makers, rallying together to make a lasting impact on the lives of mothers and babies. Your involvement sends a powerful message of solidarity and compassion.

How can you make a difference?

  • Join the March: Lace up your sneakers and join me for March for Babies in your city or wherever you live through our virtual walk. Gather your friends, family and coworkers, join my team and let's walk together towards a healthier future. 
  • Donate: Make a significant impact by making a donation. Every dollar counts and brings us closer to achieving our goal.
  • Spread the word: Share this post and encourage your networks to join and support March of Dimes. Together, we can amplify our impact and make a real difference.

Join me in marching for a brighter tomorrow! Let's come together as a community, a force for good, and take steps towards healthier beginnings for all babies.

Fundraising Activity

Recent donation and sponsor messages.
Kelly donated $1080.00
7 months ago
Facebook donated $35.00
7 months ago
Facebook donated $10.00
7 months ago
Facebook donated $100.00
8 months ago


With preterm birth rates continuing to rise, the U.S. remains among the most dangerous developed nations for childbirth, especially for women and babies of color.

At March for Babies: A Mother of a Movement you're lifting up communities, creating connections and taking action to make America a more equitable place and ensure that every mom and baby is healthy.

Together, we’re marching to raise funds and awareness to transform the health of all families!


Saturday, April 27, 2024
4 Donors | 86 Visitors

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