Brooke Supports March for Babies


My name is Brooke Elmore.  I was born 3 months early and almost lost my life. The March of Dimes donated a specialized incubator to me that helped me fight the infection that was shutting down my body and causing my brain to bleed.  The doctors told my parents not to expect much from me, if I even survived at all....well, I did and I am a happy and healthy teenager.  I am a Junior in high school and  my family would describe me as their little miracle and so we promised that we would forever help other families and babies, just as others have done for me.  Now that I am older and able,  I am going to run the fundraiser that my mother has for years, in my honor.  I am really excited about giving back to the organization that helped to save my life. 

Over the years our family has raised more than $150,000. I feel so lucky to participate in this awesome organization and to finally be able to give back....from my very own preemie heart!

 I am grateful that you have taken the time to read my story.  I don't remember that time but I am so grateful for all of those that went out of their way to help me and my family.  Please know how important this is to me and help however you can.  Every DIME counts. 

Brooke Elizabeth Elmore

Fundraising Activity

Recent donation and sponsor messages.
Chris donated $630.00
5 months ago
"Great job Brooke!!!"
Jeanette donated $103.00
6 months ago
"I am so happy that you are doing a fundraiser for such a worthy cause and one so close to your heart. I'm sending you a donation, but because I'm retired, I can't ask my employer to match funds. As a friend of your parents and grandparents, I've had the pleasure of watching you grow up through the years. Best wishes with your fundraiser."
Meredith donated $30.90
6 months ago
"Way to go Brooke! Awesome job for March of Dimes! ❤️"
Shelly donated $50.00
6 months ago
"Way to go Brooke! So proud of you and all the good work you are doing for this cause. Thank you for inspiring others with your story and for giving back to this life saving organization!"
Lisa donated $50.00
6 months ago
"A beautiful story of a true miracle!!"
Carrie donated $90.00
6 months ago
"This is great work you’re doing Brooke! "
Andrew donated $103.00
6 months ago
"You are amazing! "
Brooke donated $100.00
7 months ago
Matthew donated $30.90
7 months ago
"So inspired by you - you are continuing to make a difference for so many families. xo Noelle, Matt, Matt & Meghan"
Marc donated $30.90
7 months ago
Chuck donated $100.00
8 months ago
"That’s great you’re doing this Brooke. Best of luck!"
Sandy donated $51.50
8 months ago
"Way to go Brooke!"
Katie donated $30.90
8 months ago
"I am so proud of you for doing this. Keep up the good work! Love you!"
Linda donated $50.00
7 months ago
"Great cause, Brooke. So nice that you are doing this. - Joan Phares (Uncle Scott's Mom!)"
Cara donated $51.50
7 months ago
"You're so amazing and inspiring. Love you so much!"
Heather donated $154.50
8 months ago
"Amazing job raising money for such a great cause, Brooke! -The Schneider Family"
Tracy donated $51.50
8 months ago
"Congratulations Brooke! You are awesome! I am so proud of you and all of your accomplishments! I remember when you "came to work" with Nana and we would share my carrots and hummus! God bless you and your family. Love, Tracy Positano"
Jennifer donated $60.00
8 months ago
"So great to see you are taking over for your Mom! Best of luck with your donation drive."
Michelle donated $30.90
8 months ago
"Good Luck Sweet Girl! xoxo"
JAVIER donated $103.00
8 months ago
"Hi Brooke, I worked with your Mom when she was pregnant and carrying you. It's such a pleasure to see you all grown up. Congratulations on carrying the legacy that your Mother started. I chaired the March of Domes 'Walk for Babies' walk/run in Miami and was very grateful to see your Mom & Grandmother very involved and supporting a great cause. Keep up the great work. Best regards to the entire family! Javier Hernandez Lichtl "
Ron donated $25.75
8 months ago
Hilary donated $20.00
9 months ago
Randy donated $250.00
9 months ago
"So proud of you!!"
Karen donated $20.00
9 months ago
"So proud of you Brooke.. Love Aunt Karen"
Kat donated $103.00
9 months ago
Steve donated $103.00
9 months ago
"Good job, Brooke! We love your family and are so happy to see that you are all doing such good things!"
Johny donated $50.00
9 months ago
"I’m remember very well those initials days. I’m very proud of you. Keep the great work that your mom started. "
Andrea donated $30.90
9 months ago
Jennifer donated $30.90
9 months ago
David donated $15.45
9 months ago
Kathy donated $103.00
9 months ago
"Brooke, we are so proud of you for continuing what your Mom and Dad have worked at for so many years. I want you to know how many prayers were going around for you as you fought for your life. We have a lighted nativity set ( which was given to me by my Grandma when I was 5) that lights up our living room every Christmas. That year it stayed lit up 24 hours a day until you came home from the hospital In February!! ❤️🙏😘"
Lindsay donated $100.00
9 months ago
"We love you B! The Roth gang. "
Linda donated $103.00
9 months ago
"Best of luck Brooke. So proud of you. Can still remember keeping your Moms breast milk in our refrigerator. When you could drink it went so fast."
Cheryl donated $51.50
9 months ago
"This is fantastic Brooke! I am certain you will continue to do amazing things! Best of luck reaching your goal."
Christine donated $50.00
9 months ago
"Yay! This is sooo amazing! You will do big things Brooke!"
Laurie donated $100.00
9 months ago
"So proud of you for taking over this fantastic cause!!! We have seen you grow into the wonderful young woman you are. xoxoxo Laurie and Jerry"
Paul donated $61.80
9 months ago
$20.60 was donated by Anonymous
9 months ago
Callum donated $30.00
9 months ago
Doug donated $61.80
9 months ago
"So proud of you Brookey! You have such a great story. We love you soooo much!!! Uncle Doug and Aunt Beth!"
Deb donated $51.50
9 months ago
"Brooke- your mom has done such an amazing job for so many years for March of Dimes. It is really neat to see you carry on! You are a beautiful young woman , inside and out! Deb Keene (Betseys mom)"
robert donated $1000.00
9 months ago
"good luck in your fund raising efforts: you are the best "
Holly donated $61.80
9 months ago
"I’m so proud of you for taking this on! I hope to pass this request onto some of the therapists I’ve worked with. We all have helped countless preemies - what an honor to know you, and have you showing up in such a big way!!! Blessings, Miss Holly"
Robert donated $51.50
9 months ago
"Good luck!"
Sandra donated $30.00
9 months ago
"Way to go BEE! Love, someone who went to nursing school with your sweet, funny and awesome mama. "
Dominic donated $30.90
9 months ago
"Brooke, I'm happy to support you and the cause. You don't know me but I went to high school with your parents who are both genuine wonderful people. I wish you success with this and all future ventures! Say hello to your parents for me! Dominic"
$61.80 was donated by Anonymous
9 months ago
Jason donated $50.00
9 months ago
"Good luck! Your mom is amazing and you must be too!"
Christopher donated $100.00
9 months ago
"Happy to help"
Elizabeth donated $50.00
9 months ago
"Thrilled to support you Brooke- proud to see you carrying on with your mother’s always charitable spirit!! Sending you all lots of love from the Krull family, all the way from Kansas! XO, Elizabeth "
Mimi donated $25.00
9 months ago
"Yay you, Brooke! So great that you are taking over for your Mom. God Bless you and your sweet premie heart ❤️. Mimi Weber"
Betsey donated $50.00
9 months ago
"So proud of you, Brooke for carrying the torch and SO SO SO happy you are hear to tell your story ❤️❤️❤️"
Jennifer donated $30.90
9 months ago
"Go get um girlie!!!!"
Marsha donated $250.00
9 months ago
"So proud of you, Brooke!!! What a great thing to do to support March of Dimes!! I love you, Nana"
Linda donated $100.00
9 months ago
"Way to go Brooke. I love that you are doing this. So proud of you!!!"
Laurie donated $103.00
9 months ago
"Ever so proud of you our sweet Brookey. What an awesome thing for you to take this on. Wish we could be out there walking with you❤️Mimi & Papi"
Katie donated $60.00
9 months ago


With preterm birth rates continuing to rise, the U.S. remains among the most dangerous developed nations for childbirth, especially for women and babies of color.

At March for Babies: A Mother of a Movement you're lifting up communities, creating connections and taking action to make America a more equitable place and ensure that every mom and baby is healthy.

Together, we’re marching to raise funds and awareness to transform the health of all families!


Fundraising goal: $3,000
Saturday, June 01, 2024
57 Donors | 2649 Visitors

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