Team Tornatore

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Team Tornatore Supports March for Babies

Our sons, Leo Vincent and Luca John were born on Saturday, February 4, 2017, four months too soon at 1 lb 10 oz and 1 lb 9 oz respectively. Affectionately becoming known as Leo the Lion and Luca Bear, they fought as hard as they could and we were ready to fight alongside them. Unfortunately, the burden was too much for Leo's small body to bare and we received the shock of our lives when he suddenly passed away five days after birth on February 9, 2017.  Luca fought long and hard for six and a half weeks in the NICU receiving numerous transfusions, surgeries and procedures. However, his body became too weak and he passed peacefully in our arms on March 21, 2017. Having to say goodbye to a preemie is a tragedy that no parent should ever have to face, but sadly loss is often a part of the premature journey. Although cut too short, every minute of Leo and Luca's life was beautiful and we are proud to be their parents.Please join us this year and walk alongside in remembrance of our little superheroes. Together, we are not only keeping the memory of Leo and Luca alive but making a difference in the lives of so many families by helping to give every baby a fair chance for a healthy full term birth.Ready to run past us all is younger sister and true Team Captain, Lia, born on October 11, 2018 and named in honor of her two big brothers and guardian angels. This year she will be pushing a stroller across the finish line with our newest addition, Paige, born on December 9, 2021. We know our angels sent us our two beautiful girls. Lia and Paige are so excited to honor their brothers and support such a beautiful cause. 
Video tribute via link below:
As always, thank you all for the love and support,Pete, Laura, Lia and Paige Tornatore

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Raised: $1,723
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With preterm birth rates continuing to rise, the U.S. remains among the most dangerous developed nations for childbirth, especially for women and babies of color.

At March for Babies: A Mother of a Movement you're lifting up communities, creating connections and taking action to make America a more equitable place and ensure that every mom and baby is healthy.

Together, we’re marching to raise funds and awareness to transform the health of all families!


Fundraising goal: $0
Sunday, April 28, 2024
0 Donors | 65 Visitors

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